Friday, December 20, 2019

WRSP 510 Book Review Paper - 5258 Words

Kurt Anderson Book Report WRSP 510 Biblical Foundations of Worship (On Line) Mathena, G., One Thing Needful. Chapter 1: One Thing Needful Summary: In Mathena’s insight into the story of Mary and Martha he observes, what I will call the three C’s, in Martha. This story illustrates Martha’s â€Å"commendable† act as she desires to serve Christ as she wanted this meal â€Å"to be her very best.† Her actions are also, â€Å"condemnable†, as her activity takes priority over her relationship with Christ. Lastly, there is contempt in her heart towards Mary in her perceived poor choice. The warning Mathena is really driving home is to the believer’s posture before the Lord, in terms of our â€Å"busyness†. â€Å"Spiritual busyness and misplaced priorities† are his†¦show more content†¦Analysis: It seems that Mathena is thorough in finding his conclusion that we are created, commanded and called to worship. I am more than intrigued as he considered, particularly Moses, physical appearance following his mountain top experience. One’s physical appearance can be an indication of what is on the inside, especially their face and body language. And one’s countenance is a sure tell of what is deep inside. Just as Mathena described Moses, Jesus, and Stephan and their appearance as they were in the Lord’s presence, you can see it some believers today. I chose the word â€Å"some† very intentionally. I am not at all convinced that the majority of those who name the name of Jesus have a clear understanding of God’s command and call to worship Him. When you ask many, â€Å"Why were you created?† the answer usually has to do with an occupation, family, good works, etc. In truth, there is not a clear understanding that they are created in the image of their maker for the expressed intent to worship to their and His delight. What I have learned: Worship is not what I do, but who I am in the Lord. Chapter 3: Worship’s Procedure: Theology of Worship Summary: Mathena discusses a right theology of worship in terms of balance, basic and biblical. The big question or concern that is initially raised is simply the correct concern that â€Å"many Christians today know very little, if anything, of

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